December 31, 2024 So it’s New Years Eve 2024, and I am sitting here in bed, staring at this blank white screen, wondering if this is a good idea or not. Which …
School in SpainLiving in Spain
Things We Did That Helped With The First Year of Spanish School & What My Kids Think About Life Here
I have written before about our cumulative experience with education in Spain, up to this point. We’ve utilized everything form Montessori and Democratic Schools, to private British Schools, and then finally to …
Living in SpainVisas & Citizenship
From the NLV in Spain (Non-Lucrative Visa) to Citizenship via the IberoAmerican Pathway
Husband: Mexican passport, Mexican acta, Mexican ID card; paid MX visa fee Wife: USA passport, USA birth certificate, MX residency card; paid USA visa fee Child 1: USA passport, USA birth certificate, …
Leaving the USA
How We Prepared Financially in Advance to be Able to Leave the United States (& the Passports We Have Since Obtained)
Work, education, language, culture- there are so many changes to anticipate when you decide that you might want to leave your home country and move abroad, but how can you prepare for …
Living in SpainLeaving the USAOur Travels
Why & How We Left the United States & Our Current Plans (From a Mixed Status Family)
Okay guys, or VALE as the Spaniards say, I am about to go down a very personal road here, so buckle up! Here is the briefest way to say this: I used …
Flights taken: Madrid to Tangier Advanced Planning: A few weeks Train trips: Tangier to Casablanca Roundtrip Our trip to Morocco was probably one of our most unique and different trips thus far. …
Living in SpainChoosing Where to Live AbroadSchool in Spain
Why we Chose to Move to Spain & Our Journey to Zaragoza
We left the United States and moved abroad to Mexico in 2018 (my deep dive into why can be found here), but why did we choose to move to and settle in …
Prague: Day 1 (Saturday): On the first day of this trip, we took the fast train from Zaragoza to Madrid, and then a taxi to the airport. We flew to Prague with …
School in SpainLiving in Spain
Some Things that are Different in Schools in Spain than in the USA (IMO)
In this post I am going to discuss some of the differences I have noticed between schools in Spain, and schools in the United States. It is not exhaustive, obviously. I am …
School in SpainLiving in Spain
One Thing I Wish We Would Have Done Differently When We Moved to Spain? (hint: it’s school related)
Here it goes, my biggest personal regret regarding our move to Spain- take a deep breath, because it’s going to be big one: Not putting our school-aged child into a Spanish school …
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